OVR: Oliver, Vince, and Reggie. The birthday boys!!!

Me with my "Out of Towners": Chris, Vince, Jon, and Jill

Me and the Ladies!
I'm always on the left b/c I can only take good self-photos right handed :p

Me and the Boys (I was being omnisexual)
More pictures
If you had told me back in high school that Jill and Chris would fly to Toronto for my birthday and that I was having my birthday bash at a club, I would've told you to stop taking drugs. For those of you who didn't go to high school with us, I wasn't friends with Jill and Chris back then (they weren't cool enough for me ;)). We were ok with each other, but we didn't talk or hang out b/c we just had different social circles. It wasn't until after when I was in undergrad with Chris and
Rob did I become friends with them and then by association,
Jill and others. Weird how things turned out the way they did, but I'm glad that we all had a second chance with each other. I'm still amazed that they both just came on a whim (they made independent decisions to come) and it was awesome having them here to celebrate with me!
Anyways, Saturday was
the big party! It was a club night hosted by my
racist volleyball team and a joint fundraiser for
the volleyball club and a birthday bash. We had it in a private lounge and we filled it pretty good. Thanks to everyone that came out for my birthday and to support my club!
I had an amazing time! It helped that between the friends that I brought, the people on my team, and friends I knew but came with people on my team, I knew like 40-50 people there! Plus, I could basically get my way into any group as I would know the person that brought them to the club and then I could use my "I'm the 'V' in OVR" line :)
I was a bit concerned going in as I had probably a dozen people tell me that they were gonna get me hammered and wanted to see me puke. People seem to want to see me wasted. This is a trend that has gone on for a while. Probably b/c I usually come across as quiet, shy, and controlled to those I don't really know. It reminds me of the "Just shy, not anti-social (you can talk to me!)" t-shirt from
Knowing that my alcohol tolerance is low and wanting to last longer than Vic and Nelson at
their birthday party, I started avoiding people that were trying to buy me drinks around drink #9 and also passing drinks along to Chris and others :)
I had reached a sufficient amount of alcohol quite early in the night as you can see from the progression of the redness of my face in the photos. In my defense, it was really hot in there, so that didn't help my redness. I then proceeded to float around to say "hi" to people that I knew and to take a photo with them. My way of saying "hi" when drunk is to grind up against the person from behind and wait for them to turn around :). Girl, guy, I didn't discriminate! I was being omnisexual (reference to a tv show that I'll be blogging about soon). The jury's still out as to whether I grinded with more girls or guys :p. Oh, and I managed to cause one fight to break out :p
Can't wait for the next clubbing night!