Vincent Cheung

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Encrypted Blog Posts Ver. 2

Over 2 years ago, I developed an encryption system that you could use to encrypt blog posts.

Since then, I have written several encrypted blog posts that were about particularly personal things and I didn't want the general public or certain people reading them. You can ask me for one of the keys if you want, but I can't guarantee that you'll get it :p

I just released a new version of my JavaScript Encryption and Decryption system.

Try it:
Show encrypted text (the decryption key is: password)

The new encryption code is a lot faster than the old version, the webpage decryption code now uses a fancy dialog box to ask you for the key, and I fixed some bugs. The entire process has been greatly simplified and the encryption page now automatically generates code that you can copy and paste into your website.

I'm starting to actually make use of my personal website,, which is where I'm hosting my random side projects. I'm just finishing up the new design on that site in preparation for an upcoming announcement.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations President (Elect) Obama!

After months and months of campaigning, it's finally over! And the US didn't screw things up this time around! I know the polls pretty much had called the election for Obama, but I was still a bit worried that something was gonna go wrong. I was impressed by the polling; they were pretty accurate. I was following FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics quite closely and while each individual poll is not that reliable, they are pretty reliable if you average them all together and weight them appropriately (as 538 did).

Anyways, nothing I can say would be anything more than what has already been said by all the pundits and newscasters. Well, except for the fact that even here in Toronto, people are very interested in the election. After volleyball, I went to the Wheat Sheaf for wings and beer, a pub that seems to have a bit of a sports inclination. Even there, the tv's (maybe 6 - 8 of them) were on CNN for the election coverage and when John McCain was giving his concession speech, the place went quiet.

Congratulations President David Palmer.... err... I mean President Barack Obama ;)
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