Vincent Cheung

Vincent Cheung's Blog

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Return of the Blog?

I think that I'm going to start blogging again. Or at least try to. I was thinking recently how I felt disconnected from long distance friends and that I didn't have my blog to have a discussion with them anymore. Then, Florence told me today that I should blog more. So, I am obeying her command.

This blog has been around for almost 6 years now! I don't think that I have any readers left since I haven't really blogged in a while, so we'll see what happens. I think I'm going to go back to using this as a personal journal.


Asirap said...

Florence is a smart woman. Welcome back!

Florence said...

Thanks Parisa. :)
See Vince, I told you it would be a good thing. :p

Indelible Bonobo said...

I "covered" your awesome encryption script (and a bit of shape collage) at

Just wanted to thank you and congratulate you for your solutions. Shape Collage is great, but I personally try to stay away from Java - that's the reason why I haven't installed freephoneline.

Still, you have an online version and that's great! So keep up the good work and keep blogging as well. For some people, especially of the computer science / engineering persuasion, blogging is a good substitute for a family :P

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