Vincent Cheung

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Let's play good news, bad news

Bad news
Snowboarding trip was cancelled b/c black ice caused roads to be closed and several of the lifts were closed due to high winds.

Good news
I was able to stay for Anitha and Kannan's going away party and I got a free dinner by tagging along with the CS grad student candidates dinner at Asian Legend.

Good news
I have two offers for summer internships.

Bad news
I have two offers for summer internships.


Sarah said...

Good news: After majorly struggling to find someone to be a witness on your El Al release form, you finally found someone to do it.

Sarah said...

Bad news: That person isn't even getting a cut.

Anonymous said...

How is the last one a bad news?
I want a job and I couldn't find one.

Vince said...

Bad b/c I don't know which one to go with and it's stressing me out trying to decide.

Anonymous said...

I think you're just showing off :p

Vince said...

My blog is written primarily for my own purpose to serve as a record of my thoughts and feelings. Second, it's an alternative method of communicating with my friends. If complete strangers decide that they want to read my blog, then fine, but the information here is not aimed at you or for the purpose of boasting to people I don't know (that is the job of my research webpage). In this post, I'm just stating the facts (for my record) and my take on them. In the future, I will be able to look back at this post containing a small snapshot of my life and remember what I was going through, all the while with the knowledge of the actual decision I have made.

Anonymous said...

I was only kidding with need to be serious. I'm sorry

Sarah said...

"that is the job of my research webpage" hahahaha

yeah - it's times similar to these in which i sometimes consider a comment-free webpage. one way communication and no feedback :)

Nabeel said...

which companies did you get the internship offer from?

Vince said...

One starts with a "M" near Seattle, and the other a "G" near San Francisco.

Here's an informative link for the slow ones.

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