Vincent Cheung

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I need a break

Today was supposed to be my day of rest (golf doesn't count), but I got asked to sub for a volleyball game. I haven't had a day without playing at least 1 sport for a week:

volleyball, volleyball, snowboarding, curling, volleyball, dodgeball, volleyball, volleyball, volleyball, golf, and volleyball

The outlook ahead for the next week is:

volleyball, volleyball, snowboarding, volleyball, volleyball, dodgeball, volleyball, and volleyball

Not sure if I'll sub in for that team again next week, but if I do, then I'll be going like 3 weeks without a break. Fortunately, health-wise, I'm feeling pretty good. My left arm and shoulder are a little sore, which is probably a combination of curling and golfing left handed. My knee's been doing pretty good as well. It's sometimes a little sore after volleyball and snowboarding, but not too bad. I need to do more squats to strengthen the supporting muscles.

I need a break, from sports and otherwise...

1 Comment:

Bob said...

So.. do you ever do any school work out there? or is life pretty much a bunch of random sports?

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