Orange Juice Fermenting
I was too lazy to wash out a 1.89L carton of Tropicana orange juice after dinner last night. I go to wash it out today and the carton was bulging quite noticeably. Those crazy orange juice fermenting bacteria work fast! The carton let out a nice puff of air when I opened it up. Wonder how much bigger it would've gotten if I left it longer?....
I once left orange juice to ferment in a drink bottle for waaay too long. When I opened it the lid shot off and fermented orange juice hit the ceiling. Fermented orange juice smells bad.
Hahaha, well, I guess that answers my curiosity of what would happen if I left the carton out for longer :)
Once when I was a teenager, I put some apple juice in a bottle and stuck a cork in it, intending to only leave it temporarily. But I forgot about it. A couple of weeks later, I was reading in my room, minding my own business, when I heard a loud POP! and something hit the shelf and bounced across the room. It was the cork. I scratched my head, then stuck the cork back in the bottle and went back to reading.
Then, a few days later, it happened again. This time, I sniffed the apple juice. It smelled funny. I tasted a little bit of it. It tasted pretty good! (I drank the rest of it.)
Apparently, apple juice performs better than orange juice.
did you get crunk - I want to know!
I just cleaned out my car and I found this bottle of orange juice I picked up one morning before a long road trip... I only had about half of it, and somehow forgot about it... it sat in the back of my car for about 3 weeks in the hot sun until about 2 minutes ago... I picked it up and went to dump it out and orange juice shot everywhere and it smelled like skunky beer... it was quite disgusting...
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