Vincent Cheung

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Monday, December 04, 2006


CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) paper is done!!!

It's pretty phenomenal how much work I got done this past week to get the paper up to speed. Very little procrastination! I think it's b/c I had meetings with Nebojsa all the time and there was big pressure because of the hard deadline. I spent a lot of time at MSR, Panera Bread, and the lobby, i.e. places with wifi. Not much sleep these past few days, so I'm pretty tired.

It was hard doing it remotely without a desktop and a good, permanent place to work, but I pulled it off. Nebojsa was key as he helped to write a lot and of course his guidance in the research was very important. It was good to be here in the days prior to the deadline to meet with Nebojsa in person. Too bad he skipped off to Whistler these past few days, but he did a lot of work while he was there.

I forced Nebojsa to get on MSN Messenger to communicate. It was WAY better than how we did it last time. Last time we wrote a paper together, 2 years ago, I was in Toronto, he was here, Brendan was at home. I got like a billion e-mails. They didn't use IM!!!

Same story this time though. Rush, rush, rush, finishing within like an hour from the deadline and doing revisions and resubmitting up until half an hour past the deadline, which was at midnight. Last time was funny in retrospect with Brendan waking up at like 6 am to write the intro when the paper was due at 7 am. Nebojsa stayed up with me to finish the paper.

It's the best paper I've written since last time and the best results I've gotten since as well, i.e. last time I wrote a computer vision paper. I might even have a thesis topic now!!! We found out a few days ago that this paper can actually be considered an extension of my video epitomes work. I might actually be able to graduate at some point afterall :)

I'm not totally out in the clear yet though. I have to create videos and submit them later this week. The videos are very important for my submission. If I get it right, I'm pretty confident that my paper will get accepted. Too bad the conference is in Minneapolis s: (yes, that is a backwards emoticon, tilt your head to the right)


JL said...

Your title should be QED BITCH!

Congrats tho.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the free wifi! Don't get too used it though, most of Winnipeg is not that high tech yet :)

Vince said...

It's not free city wifi (like in Mountain View), it's free wifi provided by private companies for use by their customers or residents in the case of the building lobby.

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