Off-site and Gay Pictures

A little bit of air while jump serving

Note: Not a blow-up of the previous image!

Hey! I'm trying to play volleyball!

Google event. Of course there's free lunch!
Clockwise: Brian, Michele, Jon (Canadian), Ari, Vince (Canadian), James, Mark, Adam (Canadian), Janna (Canadian). Heidi's missing. She's also Canadian!

Waiting in line for a ride. Check out the bling!
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Thanks Michele!
All of engineering went to Santa Cruz (about an hour away) for the day last Thursday. Beach, free arcades, free food, free beer, free rides! It was a ton of fun. Played some volleyball, ate free food, bought food (Dippin' Dots and Funnel Cake), and rode the rollercoasters and rides (typical exibition rides).
More pictures from the Gay Pride Parade on Sunday:

Michele text messaging me for the zillionth time to try and find us

Michele and Jenny found me a girl

Marching in the parade and talking nerdy

I LOVE YOU JON! (Take a closer look on what we're sitting on)

Chilling at the lounge with mostly interns

The Google boys... in a gay bar
Michele, Vince, Adam, Mike, and Mark
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Thanks Michele!
And in case you're wondering, I'm still not. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
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