Fun, but there were consequences

The Ladies: Michelle, Christine, Karmun, and Michelle

Lots of omnisexual activity

Lesson learnt: when taking self shots, use your free arm. At least my aim was good enough to still get us in the pic.

I'm in this pic, which provides evidence that my camera was pick pocketed from me when Michelle grabbed my ass
Clubbing was fun, but volleyball on 2 hours of sleep with the taste of alcohol still in your mouth is not.
I went to Easy & The Fifth (which I think is just called The Fifth now, but everyone still calls it Easy) with the DVD crew. It was a lot of fun. I think I actually started enjoying clubbing only last summer down in California. With a few drinks I stop caring what people think and will hit the dance floor. I prefer jam packed dance floors and dark lighting so visibility is limited. It's also better when you go with a group of friends. The commonality of omnisexual grinding in both the California and this group is interesting. For N people, pretty much all NC2 ("N choose 2" = N * (N-1) / 2) combinations of grinding parters happens, regardless of gender. I kept the analysis simple and ignored the threesomes, foursomes, and general orgies. It's all just for kicks and having a good time.
I'm like the designated photographer. Christine asked Michelle if she brought her camera and she said no b/c I would probably bring mine. I've already taken over 1000 photos on my camera and that's just since Christmas. Michelle kept grabbing my ass during the night. She claimed she was just reaching for my camera, but I think we both know otherwise :p
The problem with the night was that after hitting the "train" Vietnamese restaurant at 3am, which was completely packed, I didn't get home until after 4am and I had morning volleyball practice up in Scarborough at 9am... I managed to get 2 hours of sleep. The only good thing was that despite not eating much of a breakfast (just a couple handfuls of Cheerios), I was ok for energy b/c I was still running off of the post-clubbing food :). At least practice was pretty easy, but I didn't play very well. I also blame my toe. My other injuries are negligible in comparison.
Personally, I prefer the term "moresome".
vince, man. ur late to the game. i think all the clubbing craze already passed for me
its all about salsa now...
..and perhaps lounging in the near future
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