Rollerblading home drunk is the best

Me and Jill: To Adam!

Me, Chris, and Dayna: Self-powered commuters

Rob and Kelly: 7 more years until the wedding
Rob held a house warming party at his relatively new condo. It's ridiculous how nice of a place you can get for so cheap in Winnipeg :)
As it was Adam's last day at Google, Jill and I drank to him :). Thanks for the great summer! Have a safe trip home and good luck back at school!
Rob tried the whole, leave your camera on the table and hope that people use it strategy. It worked to some extent. Though, Jill brought her camera and Jill takes pictures :)
It took me just over 10 min. to blade to Rob's place (~4.5 km) and surprisingly not much longer to get back home a little tipsy :p. Rollerblading home drunk is the best :). Can you get pulled over for RUI?
More pictures
Leaving the camera on the table totally worked!
Thanks for the pics!
Happy me!
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